Crime City App Reviews

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Dont update

Another horrible update stats are way off please fix once again been over 10 days and they still cant fix gree has gone to the dog house. Gree needs to try the updates before the release not very good service I contacted them and all they said was they know about it.

Do Not Take This Update!

If your game is working dont risk this update. I have two iPhones with this game and both crash when I do the case event boxes making it impossible to get any cases. Also none of my assets are showing up on either phone. Skip it until they fix it.


Ive had multiple problems with gree and they refused to address any of these issues. One they took away two energy points per minute from me that I had earned, Ive lost a lot of defense and attack stats not just on this last fiasco that they had but from previous events and they dont do anything about it. You buy gold and during event and then it disappears, you earn things and then they take them away from you for no reason. Been playing this game for over five years now and it used to be rated almost a full five stars now its slowly working its way down to two and theyre gonna lose a lot of players because of the way they treat the customers. Players possibly getting together for a class action lawsuit

Waste of money n time

Not sure how Apple allowed this game on. Its full of errors And after each update something else breaks and you lose a Skill. You basically spend money and Gree ruins the game and make you just spend more only to reach where you were. Unbelievable.

Update Big Failure

Latest update was a big failure. Locks up, boots you out of the game, cant see other players hood. Game has been on its last leg for some time, this last upgrade was terrible not helping but just made matters worse. Lost money on this game. Funzio Inc. is no better than Storm 8.

Players, dont spend money force Gree to sell!

Gree please sell or give to game to someone else before all the players leave:-(

Should be illegal. "Quitting is Winning"

Stats rise exponentially, meaning that money spent previously becomes worthless. Developers have stopped caring about gameplay, starting an event which is to see which teams can stack the most money. Other events are straight up kompu gacha (look it up). Also, spenders can straight buy modifiers with "boost bldgs". When will it stop? When you quit. If you havent started, stay away! The actual game is for developers to see how they can get more money from "whales" and the players are just pieces (pawns) from which they squeeze every last drop of revenue. Ive known at least two people to have quit after their wives threatened to leave them. People seriously spend thousandS of dollars on this game. It can ruin your life. You know theres something wrong when long-time players refer to "retirement" as "winning the game." This game (and its twins: kingdom age and modern war which developers use for AB testing) should be illegal and those that work for gree should commit seppuku! Shame!

Revised review 01/31/2016

Returned after several month hiatus and the new owners are very unashamed about the new name GREE but they left one letter off. The D is missing from greed! 01/31/2016 The game is now so filled with cheaters and you cannot win or get ahead in the game. These cheaters do not hide either and this makes me suspect that the developers themselves are helping these cheaters. They send you some canned response and blow it off. Not funny GREE.

Glitched cant leave syndicate

Its horrible cant leave the clan Im in Im the only one spending money is almost useless


It freezes every time I go to the store

Freezing Up at Money Buildings

Its freezing up at the store for me too. Come on gree get it together. Dont you want more customers buying worthless gold?

Missing gold

Poor customer service! Had enough of being robbed of gold and customer service sending pointless canned responses with no resolution. Wish I could rate with minus stars.


I dont know why it is freezing for others but on my IPhone 6s it works fine. Its a good game but really pushes in app purchases. Thats the only annoying part.

Not even fun anymore.

What happens when you reach extremely high level? Its never ending and The same off he is always win the top hundred place. What a stupid waste of time I cant believe people spend money on micro transactions. What is this world coming to?

All in

The game is very addictive and fun to play the only problem is that you need to make the scratchers give you gold. Come on funzio make it happen.

Lag city

This game use to be fun, every event lags, is broken, glitches. Ect. The only part left of the game thats fun is the friends ive made thru it.

In a word? LAME!!!!

This game used to be fun before the makers got too greedy. Now its broken. The game doesnt load properly and crashes. Plus they ruined it with the new "kingpin" element. Now there isnt any point in trying to rob people anymore. Stats are useless and dont mean anything anymore. Your stats can be 20 million higher than your opponent and youll still lose. Just another sad attempt to force people to spend money on a "free" game. Dont waste your time or money. Wish I could give it negative stars.

Game Time

Give it a try! Like all games, they are never perfect, but this one can be entertaining once you get into it.


freezes 50% of he time when i click on the money buildings and its been going on for awhile:(


Ive been playing this for at least 3 years. Its cool.

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