Stats rise exponentially, meaning that money spent previously becomes worthless. Developers have stopped caring about gameplay, starting an event which is to see which teams can stack the most money. Other events are straight up kompu gacha (look it up). Also, spenders can straight buy modifiers with "boost bldgs". When will it stop? When you quit. If you havent started, stay away!
The actual game is for developers to see how they can get more money from "whales" and the players are just pieces (pawns) from which they squeeze every last drop of revenue. Ive known at least two people to have quit after their wives threatened to leave them. People seriously spend thousandS of dollars on this game. It can ruin your life. You know theres something wrong when long-time players refer to "retirement" as "winning the game."
This game (and its twins: kingdom age and modern war which developers use for AB testing) should be illegal and those that work for gree should commit seppuku! Shame!